Kadiman Vocabulary


Nu - zero
Ka - one
Du - two
Twe - three
Fer - four
Sis - five
Sei - six
Sep - seven
Chou - eight
Neuv - nine
Djin - ten
Siendet - hundred
Mildet - thousand


Swar - black
Griz - Grey
Kap - brown
Blank - white
Rou - red
Rang - orange
Jau - yellow
Blau - blue
Ver - blue-green
Fer - green
Filo - violet

Polite Phrases

Meshi - thanks, informal
Mechi - thanks, more formal
Siple - please, informal
Tapri - please, more formal


Vek - with
San - without
Dela - of (a place)
Van - of (a group of people)
En - in
La - at
A - to
Vers - towards
Par - by
Por - for

Agreement and Disagreement

Wi - yes, affiramtive, agreement with a positive statement
Ja - emphatic or informal affirmative, agreement with a positive statement
No - no, negative,
Ni - emphatic or informal negative
Dak - rebutal or contradiction a negative statement or question (Aren't you tired? Yes, I am. Did you not understand? Yes, I did. You can't say that.Yes, I can.
Tal - maybe, possibly, perhapse
Dja - understood, uh-hu, expresses that a statement was heard and understood but with neither agreement or disagreement.


te - inclusive and, this and that (They gamble and drink.) safei - sequence and, first this then that (First they gamble, then they drink.) wou - exclusive or, this or that, but not both (They either gamble or drink, but not both.) jou - inclusive or, this, that, or this and that, in any combination (They gamble and/or drink.) nou - negative or, not this nor that (They neither gamble nor drink.) men - but or exception (They gamble, but they don't drink.) pero - yet, nevertheless presents a contrast or exception (They gamble, yet they don't drink.) tanke - so, presents a consequence (He lost his money gambling, so he started drinking.) para - for, presents a reason (He drinks because he gambles.) si - if and only if (He gambles if he drinks, but only then.) hest - or rather, refinement, restatement, or "correction" of the first clause - this, or rather this (He gambles, or rather he plays poker.) Komme - as (while, because) (He drinks while he gambles.) Waren - whereas, considering


Berdjez - burgess
Hser - lord, baron
Hserdzar - high lord, duke
Kroin - king
Kaidzar - emperor
Kanseiho - council


Her - mister
Fraun - mistress
Senjar - sir
Madzar - ma'am
Maister - master
Lidzar - leader
Djefei - tribal leader, headman, boss
Tsindik - representative, caretaker
Komrad - comrade, friend


Nak - people, nation, tribe
Nar - clan
Zouk - gang
Vouk - ethnic group, folk,
Familo - family
Treup - troop, band, small group
Grandza - nobility, aristocracy, upper class
Budjwa - bourgeoisie, middle class
Provouk - commoner, working class


Gwer - war
Kombat - combat, fighting
Adzalto - attack, assault
Difenz - defense
Militeir - military

Marchal - marshal
Djenaral - general
Kaubeir - colonel
Haupitan - captain
Einsen - lieutenant, ensign

Siendeteir - centurion
Feltweibel - sergeant
Kapo - corporal

Hsoldzeir - soldier
Fwesileir - rifleman
Kavalaiteir - cavalryman

Armi - army
Kar - corps
Leidjon - legion, division
Reidzeimon - regiment, brigade
Shar - cohort, battalion
Kapnjan - company
Treup - platoon
Lanz - cavalry/armored platoon
Manou - squad
Greup - fireteam

Infantrei - infantry
Kavalrait - cavalry
Komtrakrait - armored cavalry
Komando - special operations units
Jeigeir - reconnaisance unit

Kondotari - mercenary
Milisei - militia

Kombat Endjin (Komdjin) - "combat engine", armored fighting vehicle
Kombat Trak (Komtrak) - "combat track", tracked armored fighting vehicle

Freut - fort, fortification
Fozei - trench
Rezkar - bunker
Kaslos - castle, keep
Tweur - tower
Halt - anti-magical fortification


Bergen - protection, armor
Armeur - armor, protective gear
Lourika - suit of body armor
Meil - mail armor
Keuraz - plate armor, hard shell


Waf - weapon

Sweid - blade
Poinja - dagger
Stelet - stiletto
Swart - longer, heavy duty war sword, broadsword
Spada - shorter sword
Floret - rapier like long light
Hach - battle-axe

Nupal - club
Batoun - baton
Lanz -spear, lance
Pikei - pike

Fouwaf - firearm
Fwesil - rifle
Streumfwesil - assault rifle
Mashinfwesil - automatic rifle, machine gun
Lerfwesil - air rifle
Karabinar - carbine
Mashinkarabinar - submachine gun
Pistolei - pistol
Danerwaf - blunderbuss, shotgun

Eksplosif - explosive
Grenat - grenade
Kanon - cannon
Raket - rocket, missile
Bombei - bomb

Law and Order

Frei - Free
Droit - rule, law
Toumakeir - "breaker", criminal
Sandroit - "without law", outlaw
Plundeureir - marauder, looter
Robareir - robber, thief
Ziplundeureir - pirate

Gendarm - militarized police
Poliz - police
Hakeneir - "catcher", private detective
Reindjeir - wandering problem solver, detective, and peace keeper

Plundeur - vt to plunder, loot, or pillage
Voleur - vt to steal or rob
Robar - vi to rob
Pillar - vi to plunder, loot, or pillage

House and Home

Kauza - home
Hsal - hall, building
Hauz - house
Posent - room, chamber

Let - bed
Dek - blanket
Cheiz - chair
Meza - table

Hardin- garden
Tsig - wall
Krang - room
Porta - gate

The World and the Universe

Mendi - world
Lun - moon
Soli - sun
Skar - star
Speiz - outer space


Jouse - west
Rinte - east
Norte - north
Sud - south
Droit - right
Gauc - left

Sentro - center
Mido - middle (distance)

Landzo - land, country, countryside, nation
Stado - state
Baronja - barony
Reinjo - kingdom
Freistado - Republic
Raik - empire
Stien - City
Pwerto - port
Bunda - league
Freistienbunda - League of Free Cities
Pwevlou - small town, village
Vil - town, village
Viya - villa, estate
Haldein - holding,
Kounjun - commune, common
Kantoun - cantonment, military estate
Kwarter - urban district
Beur - urban subdistrict
Bario - neighborhood

Gamino - road, highway
Strauz - avenue, boulevard
Reu - street
Kali - alley
Breuk - bridge

Mer - ocean, sea
Zi - Sea
Baja - bay, gulf
Keust - coast
Lak - lake

Enzel - island
Rojo - stream
Rivo - river
Delta - delta
Flutlano - alluvial plain, floodplain

Beuch - wilderness
Lagen - park
Boskei - woods
Fourei - forest
Voult - dense forest
Dekeng - thicket
Maki - scrubland

Bajo - swamp
Meur - marsh
Mangeul - mangrove
Saldzona - salt marsh

Weust - deset, wasteland
Lano - plain
Prarei - grassland, pasture
Savanjei - savanna
Kerado - flooded savanna
Ezstep - steppe
Toundra - tundra

Gran - Hills
Karst - karst
Meis - plateau
Moun - mountain
Mountjan - mountain range
Veil - valley

Tropkal - tropical
Arktiz - arctic


Rein - rain
Torentei - heavy rain
Nevei - snow
Streum - storm
Glog - lightning
Vadjra - thunder
Weng - wind
Swarga - gust of wind
Daner - thunder
Neibla - fog, mist
Wouk - cloud
Flut - flood


Tem - time
Vez - time (occassion, instant)
Manax - calander

Di - day
Njeudi - 1st weekday
Merdi - 2nd weekday
Donezdi - 3rd weekday
Hsaldi - 4th weekday
Solidi - 5th weekday
Freidi - 6th weekday

Tak - day
Je - yesterday
Nach - night
Hwer - hour
Maten - morning
Media - noon
Tardia -afternoon
Ben - evening

Zeiten - season(s)
Zuwe - "warm", spring
Naz - "wet", rainy season
Brulan - "hot", summer
Aliment - "food", harvest season
Frio - "cool" fall, autumn
Kar - "ice", winter


Ter - land, eath, soil
Landzo - land, country, countryside, nation
Grundzo - ground, base
Feld - field
Fou - fire
Ler - air
Feum - smoke
Gwaz - water
Kar - ice
Sten - stone
Felzen - rock, stone
Zema - gem
Glaz - glass
Tran - sand
Klei - clay
Keramik - ceramic
Brikei - brick
Pouzei - dust
Holz - wood

Plastikei - plastic
Gumi - rubber
Lak - lacquer
Harzen - resin
Ter - tar
Kera - wax
Djelatina - gelatine

Koul - coal
Beteun - bitumen

Gummik - latex
Poik - pine pitch
Ambar - amber

Science and Technology

Kraf - skill, craft, art
Loudjei - study, science, logic, reason
Teknika - technology
Makina- simple machine, mechanism
Mashin - complex machine
Mekana - clockwork
Martyo - hammer
Shraub - screw

Far - power
Stromzig - electric
Batrei - battery
Moto - motor
Lokomoto - engine
Mekanaloudjeimashin - clockwork Babbage Engine

Stov - matter
Energei - energy

Strom - electricity
Magnetizem - magnetism

Gestain - metal
Alu - aluminum
Feizen - iron
Kuver - copper
Griz - silver
Platin - platinum
Geld - gold
Bloum - lead

Gaz - gas
Veipuer - vapor, steam
Zaurgaz - oxygen
Stikgaz - nitrogen
Stok - non-metallic element
Brimstok - sulpher
Brounstok - carbon
Silizistok - silicon

Kimeloudjei - chemisty
Veiloudjei - biology
Fizikloudjei - physics

Kustike - acoustics

Telshen - particle
Lamenzig Telshen - elementary particle
Eizotoup - isotope

Leiben - life
Kaoz - chaos
Paradoks - paradox

Loudjeikeir - scientist
Teknikakeir - technician


Teux - cloth, material, fabric
Weul - wool
Lein - linen
Kadzan -cotton
Keur - leather
Feilz - felt
Vesti - clothing
Hemz - shirt, blouse
Hauzen - pants
Falda - dress, skirt
Kjalt - kilt
Teunika - tunic (jacket)
Shakweta -jacket
Kapa - cape, cloak
Brogein - shoe


Lingwa - language
Palava - word
Libre - book


But - boat
Shif - ship
Veipuershif - steamship
Jat - yacht
Pirou - canoe, small boat

Merneir - sailor
Veil - sail
Mat- mast
Filei - net (to catch)

Rad - wheel
Zaiklo - bicycle
Motozaiklo - motorcycle
Motorad - motorized monowheel
Waingan - car, wagon
Endjin - heavy vehicle, tractor or truck
Trak - tracked vehicle

Lershif - airship, balloon, blimp, zepplin, lighter than air flying craft
Leufenshif - aircraft, magic lift ship
Draxen - kite, sailed flugenshif
Woukshif - cloud ship, steam powered leufenshif

Freit - freight, cargo
Freitendjin - freight truck
Freitshif - cargo ship


Kist - crate
Karton - large box, carton
Boit - small box
Tsak - bag
Reuktsak - rucksack


Kultivar - agriculture
Grandja - farm, usually small
Hsinda - large farm estate
Plandzung - plantation
Feld - feild
Greindzo - small ranch
Hranxo - large ranch

Frem - vi to farm

Pain - peasant, hick,

Eating and Cooking

Kwizin - vt to cook or prepare food, formal
Koch - vt to cook or prepare food, informal
Frer - vt to fry
Kocher - vt to bake
Roumar - vt to roast
Yaker - vt to grill over open flames or coals
Slaten - vt to butcher

Kwizenen - formal cookery/cooking
Kochen - casual cooking
Kocheir - cook
Kokei - casual/slang cook
Slateneir - butcher
Kocha - kitchen

Plat - plate, dish
Nab - pot, usually earthenware
Chati - pan
Kasoleinab - casserole pot
Frerchati - fry pan, skillet
Kachati - wide, deep round bottomed cooking vessel similar to a wok
Tesach - heavy, thick walled, deep flat bottomed cooking vessel with a tight fitting lid similar to a dutch oven

Cabene - bar, tavern
Taverna - tavern, a bar/restaurant
Kantina - local cheap bar
Kafei - a small restaurant serving cheap food
Bistrau - a small local restaurant
Barbekan - a restaurant serving grilled or smoked meats
Bradzri - a casual upscale restaurant
Bierahsal - beer hall

Seuch - sweet
Zaur - sour
Margo - bitter
Saldzozig - salty
Midzo - savory taste, "umami"
Foukan - spicy, piquant
Fouzig - fiery

Food and Ingredients

Aliment - food (including beverages)
Komida - food (excluding beverages)
Buf - food (excluding beverages), casual
Getrak - beverages

Karnei - meat
Rast - a roast of meat
Barbe - grilled or smoked meat

bef - beef
danga meat
bisam meat
jakal meat
Poko - pork
Paka - rivo kredo (river pig) meat
Raku - yamal meat
Mataun - mutton

Wust - sausage
Douwust - spicy smoked pork sausage
Budanwust - spicy pork sausage with onions and roza

Shakutreimen - preservation of meats
Boukanen - smoke preserving
Chaki - dried meat

Vedjitsal - vegetables

Beizenum - pickled vegetables
Zaurkroit - saurkraut
Mel - coarse grain meal
Hari - fine grain meal, flour
Auga - a porridge made from fermented grain
Papa - a thick porridge of flour cooked in boiling water
Mel Papa - a thick porridge made meal cooked in boiling water
Kasa - a porridge of whole grain ga cooked in milk or water and milk
- a porridge of afran meal cooked in milk or water and milk
Pain - bread
Brat - baked leavened flat bread
Frerbrat - fried leavened flat bread
Tiya - baked unleavened flat bread
Hef - yeast
Bakin - baking powder

Dal - thin sauce, liquid condiment
Huk - moderately thick sauce, roux or gravy
Djang - thick sauce, paste
Mulad - creamy sauce
Rou - gravy, roux
Zup - soup
Feu - stew
Nab - hot pot
Kasolei - a casserole

Jola Roza - a thick spick stew of meat, rice, and tomatoes or dzojaka

Speze - spices
Saldzo - salt
Seukrei - sugar
Karat - salted, dried, and powdered kitrim or kraim used as a condiment
Zatni - condiment of composed of vegetables or fruit in a liquid
Fouzatni - "fire chutny"
Foudjang - "fire paste", a fermented "chili" paste
Femdal - fermented fish sauce
Soujadal - soy sauce
Hweng - vinegar

Hwil - cooking oil
Fouhwil - "fire oil", spiced oil
Feijahwil - bean oil
Livohwil - olive oil

Biera - beer
Wain - wine
Fougwaz - "fire water", brandy, liquor
Gwazka - vodka
Djergwaz - berry brandy
Bricougwaz - apricot brandy
Skrump - hard cider

Djai - tea, tisane

Karmel - a caramel
Praulin - a candy made of brown sugar

Magic, Spirits, and the Supernatural

Mach - magic
Dju - the supernatural
Kwa - magical energy

Hech - spell, curse
Konvouk - conjuration

Krental - "dark bad", evil spirit, vampire, fae
Spiritu - spirit
Gest - ghost
Taiblo - demon
Kredje - associated group or "family" of spirits
Djaz - one's spiritual protector, guardian spirit, personal totem spirit
Hang - Spiritual master or shaman
Hangwan - spirit shrine

Kri Kri - magic charm, amulet, totem or the like
Mokou - one's personal magical powers

Vamela - symbolic magical "dry painting" or drawing, usually made of colored sand, and flour or meal
Hecheir - magic user
Meich - mage
Meichais - magus
Meichai - maji
Bruho - witch

Meurmach - magically dead, non-magical, magic resistant


Heum - human
Nom - man
Frau - woman

Patrei - father
Pape - father (informal)
Matrei - mother
Mame - mother (informal)
Nokoulei - uncle
Nok - uncle (informal)
Tantla - aunt
Tan - aunt (informal)
Pauopatrei - grandfather
Paupau - grandpa (informal)
Namatrei - grandmother
Nana - grandma, granny (informal)
Tsoun - son
Dautar - daughter
Herman - sibling, also casual reference for other humans
Frater - brother
Shwuer - sister

The Body

Korpa - body
Kabez - head
Ojo - eye
Pesho - chest
Mano - hand
Fet - foot
Nez - nose
Boka - mouth
Spak - tongue
Bara - belly
Reuk - back


Bait - occupation, job
Hwer - work
Menta - instrument
Hsal - hall, shop
Trabei - art, trade, skill
Jendestrei - industry

Fabrik - vt to make, create, particularly mass produce in a factory

Hwermenta - tool, literally "work instrument"
Hwerhsal - workshop, small factory
Hwerkeir - worker
Trabeikeir - skilled tradesman, artisan

Fabrika - factory
Fabrikeir - factory worker, "maker"
Fabrikan - factory tools and equipment
Fabrikum - a mass produced product

Hwerkeirkanseiho - worker council, union


Marshand - merchant
Shifmarshand - ship's chandler

Fremkeir - farmer
Heteir - herder
Pasteur - shepherd
Zouveir - cattle drover

Jeigeir - hunter
Foureikeir - forester

Kwizendjef - chef
Kwizineir - professional cook


1 ket = 2 cm
1 mo = 10 ket = 20 cm
1 hem = 100 ket = 2 meters
1 feld = 1000 ket = 2 km

1 stak = 8 grams = .28 ounces (1 cubic ket of water)
1 fut = 10 stak = 80 grams = ~ 3 ounces
1 kroi = 100 stak = 800 grams = 1.75 pounds
1 biz = 1000 stak = 8 kg = 17.5 pounds


Rachen - silver, money
Meunzen - money
Xein - bill, banknote
Neumiz - coin(s)
Liv - 50 gm gold coin, roughly equal to $100 USD
Geulden - 10 gm gold coin, roughly equal to $25 USD
Taler - 25 gm silver coin, roughly equal to $5 USD
Diner - 5 gm silver coin, roughly equal to $1 USD
Pen - 2 gm copper coin, roughly equal to $.01 USD

Business, Trade, and Economics

Komerz - trade, commerce, business
Banko - bank
Finanz - finance

Komersho - vt to trade
Vendzar - vt to trade, sell
Handal - vt to deal in
Spekulant - vi to trade, to engage in business
Mizar - vi to bank
Bousher - vt to fence (stolen goods)

Spekulanteir - trader
Handaleir - dealer, salesman

Karawan - carvan


Flandza - plant
Bau - tree
Wurzel - root
Feul - leaf
Beurk - bark
Stak - spine, needle like leaf
Fleur - flower
Keipja - cone
Pistach - nut
Keim - seed
Keurna - kernel of grain
Djer - berry
Fruk - fruit
Noul - tuber, root

Penjoun - conifer
Graz - grass, weed
Rit - reed, cane
Gran - grain
Hak - peat
Teurf - turf, sod
Merflandza - seaweed

Glazrit - "glass cane"
Seukreirit - sugar cane

Flak - flax
Alkon - cotton

Badda - sweet potato
Pam - white potato
Hikama - jicama

Sebol - onion
Alam - garlic

Hwinou - quinoa
Shren - barley
Miyo - millet
Sargou - Sorghum
Roza - perennial rice
Souija - soybean
Afran - perennial bush that produces maize like ears of "corn"
Ga - small round reddish-orange grain similar to rice

Kaf -coffee
Tei - tea

Chaute - peanut
Feija - bean
Hwilfeija - oil bean

Kitrim - a citric fruit
Kraim - a citric fruit
Balong - melon
Brichou - apricot
Garoba - carob

Fou Djer - "fire berry", chili like tree fruit, ranges from green (very mild) to yellow (mild) to orange (slightly hot) to red (hot) to indigo (very hot) to dark purple (extremely hot)
Livo - olive
Dzomat - tomato
Dzojaka - a very tart and picant vegetable, cross between tomato, tomatillo, and chili pepper

Kroit - cabbage
Pakkroit - bok choi
Changkroit - nappa cabbage

Kakoli - a plant which produces a red, sour fruit. Both the fuit and leaves have high levels of mildly stimulant alkaloids. The fruit is dried and brewed as a tisane. The leaves are chewed.
Ban - cannabis like shrub
Pilam - opium
Bekat - a shrub with leaves that contain a strong stimulant alkaloids. The leaves are chewed with dried karat.


Bist - animal
Peil - skin, peel, fur
Fleish - flesh
Heuzo - bone
Feta - fat

Pech - fish
Leingpech - "long fish", eel like fish

Pwesh - birdlike flying fish
Pikla - small flittering pwesh
Chwan - small predatory pwesh
Fraken - larger predatory pwesh

Skevreit - aquatic arthropods
Skrab - insect-crab
Mensekta - insectoid, bug
Wespren - flying arthropod, both spider and wasp like
Xigeidza - mite-like small insectoid
Vreum - worm

Bif - cattle
Kredo - pig
Mashev - sheep/goat
Danga - buffalo/wild cattle
Bisam - musk ox like cattle
Jakal - yak like cattle
Rivo Kredo - "river pig", a large semi-aquatic cross between a domestic pig and hippopotamus
Yamal - smaller camelid, between a camel and a llama
Permato - dog-bear
Faugwa - canine like mustelid - "weasel-dog"
Reinad - fox like mustelid
Vulkarin - mustelid like marsupial - "platypus wolverine"
Kapa - beaver like marsupial
Kau - racoon like marsupial
Gat - cat
Apenhistalang - carnivorous feline like ape

Transitive Verbs

Foka - vt to heat up, to become spicy
Ferde - vt to lose
Kome - vt to eat
Barde - vt to bump into, also slang for sex
Leize - vt to allow
Tene - vt to have
Habe - vt to have
Finde - vt to find
Boukan - vt smoke (food)
Shakutrei - vt preserve meats
Slaten - vt to butcher meats
Beizen - vt to pickle (food)
Kujan - vt to make a fool of, trick or fool
Sprec - vt to speak
Trabaho - vt to travel
Smet - vt to make, create
Fabrik - vt to make, create, particularly mass produce in a factory
Otouraizen - vt to authorize, permit
Trak - vt to drink
Komersho - vt to trade
Vendzar - vt to trade, sell
Handal - vt to deal in
Bousher - vt to fence (stolen goods)
Youvia - vt to rain, to fall as liquid
Ken - vt to know
Wrefen - vt throw
Kiye - vt to kill
Keifou - vt to slaughter (animals)
Het - vt to herd
Touma - vt to break,
Plundeur - vt to plunder, loot, or pillage
Voleur - vt to steal or rob
Reigounaizen - vt to recognize, spot, or identify
Zevaucher - vt to ride an animal or a wheeled vehicle
Haken - vt to catch
Mern - vt to sail a ship
Leuf - vt to lift or raise
Gebe - vt to give
Peurte - vt to wear (clothing), to have on
Metre - vt to put on (clothing)
Juse - vt to wear
Amar - vt to tie , to moor a boat

Intransitive Verbs

Se - vi to be, to exist
Tsinar - vi to kill
Trachdar - vi to steal
Raubar - vi to rob
Frem - vi to farm
Kanta - vi to sing
Cantar - vi chant
Kounta - vi to find
Bebe - vi to drink
Zaber - vi to know
Meve - vi to not know
Rule- vi to roll, to continue
Kule - vi to flow, to happen or move smoothly or fluidly
Rek - vi to move or happen in a hurried fashion, jerk, yank
Stable - vi to settle
Hwandar - vi to wander
Vagar - vi to go walkabout wander in search of a spritual goal
Vajar - vi to travel
Sen - vi to eat
Domi - vi to sleep
Skreb - vi to write
Abdarsei -vi to sell
Palei - vi to speak
Youver - vi to rain
Snein - vi to snow
Glanz - vi to shine (light source)
Gedzan - vi to think
Flug - vi to fly
Jeig - vi to hunt
Flot - vi to float
Senken - vi to sink
Spekulant - vi to trade, to engage in business
Mizar - vi to bank
Robar - vi to steal or rob
Pillar - vi to plunder, loot, or pillage
Aseil - vi to attack or assault
Rait - vi to ride (an animal)
Sper - vi to block or impede
Vestar - vi to dress, put on clothing


Feurtif - stealthy
Blang - complete, total, utter, absolute
Uber - over
Unter - under
Hi - high
Lou - low
Bin - good
Tal - bad
Bouz - evil
Frei - free
Kren - dark
Glanzig - light
Mal - sick, in pain
Gra - fat, large, big
Ti - small
Lengz - slow
Fez - fast
Meme - same
Njeu - new
Lamenzig - elementary
Seuch - sweet
Zaur - sour
Margo - bitter
Saldzozig - salty
Fokan - spicy, piquant
Fouzig - fiery
Mandjei - hungry
Swaf - thirsty
Vei - old
Meur - dead
Bern - born
Largo - long (time)
Leing - long (distance)
Mashinzig - mechanical, automatic

Kalt - cold
Frio - cool
Zuwe - warm
Brulan - hot

Merzig - marine
Naz - wet
Zer - dry

Riak - rich
Igwil - equal
Reisheunal - rational, sane
Shaf - sharp


Faina - stuff, whatever
Senz - perfume
Farkomen - progress
Mrak - market
Marich - marriage
Dan - noise
Fiv - life
Lamen - element, part,
Gwal - violence
Seztema - system
Danmar - a noisy community gathering with improvised instruments and other noisemakers, usually in celebration or protest
Busheri - a community slaughter and butchering - usually of pigs
Bras - drinking binge
todos - all
kavez - once
Lan - moment, while
Reikt - right (political)
Dignetad - dignity, composure
Reizoun - reason
